Narrator Magic Brace fade in
Actor in pain arrrrrrrrrrrrrr why is my knee in so much
pain. (Close up)
Runner With music out of shot song walking on sun shine. (Mid
Runner are you ok (helps him get up) (mid long shot)
In pain nooooooooooo my knee is not ok something’s wrong (extreme
close up)
Runner you need Magic Brace! (Extreme close up)
In pain what’s Magic Brace (close up)
Runner it’s a knee Brace that helps support your leg. (pan
Knee Brace fades in on leg (fade in effect)
In pain I feel better already thank you. (mid shot)
They both run away smiling (Tracking shot)
Magic Brace fades in Narrator says Magic help with Magic
Brace. (fade out effect)
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