Sunday, February 24, 2019

The costs of media

Media product The Big Bang Theory cost
1 The cast The big bang cast get payed a staggering $15 dollars per episode to shoot it this is a very large amount of money over half the budget is spent on the cast.
2.  Setting The setting is every impotent for the big bang theory they pay Warner bros $1.5 million per day to shoot the show witch is the most any programme has ever payed.
3 The effects. It is said to be a estimate of £800 thousand a episode witch is incarcerable is the big bang is a t.v show they dose not have much effects.

Two products mined map

Computer game Rainbow 6 this game is made by Ubisoft and is a shooter rated 18, it has a heavy focus on realistic military combat. Some things needed.
1 Doing research on military combat.
2 Before the game was published they mad Meany open Bata so the fan base could voice there opinion on what Ubisoft could do to make the game better.
3 Adding in micro DLC the fan base said in the last open Bata the game could be better if they added micro transactions to the game as it added more content and keeps the game fresh.
4 E sports When the game was first getting developed in 2011 E sports was not a big thing in the gaming scene, but as the years progressed so did E sports, this prompted Ubisoft to make a twitter pole to the fan base asking them if they would like to see E sports in Rainbow 6 85% of them said yes so Ubisoft added it in.

News programme ( BBC news)
BBC news are a non governmental t.v channel and is funded by the people.
1 It is a law that the BBC must be unbiased and give both sides.
2 They must have female and male ancars on the show and this show equality.
3 At all times on set they must have a trained first aider in case of emergency.
4 One of the most important jobs on set is the teller prompter they control what the ancer is saying.

Mined map of a media product

Mind map factors of a media product
1st What the budget of the media product will be and who to spend it.
2. what your genre is e.g Horror.
3. Who to cast.
4. What is your target audience.
5. What codes and conventions go with your genre.
6 set up a social media for fan interaction.
7 What is the intended miss en scene.
8 What the certification of your product, will it be aired after the water shed.

Monday, February 4, 2019

gap in the market

What is a gap in the market. A gap in the market is a specific topic or point that fits in to a demographic.

Circulation is A newspaper's circulation  is the number of copies it distributes on an average day.
Readership,  readership is an estimate of how many readers  a publication has.
Name two starting points where data can be analysed
1. The readership this allows you to analyse the age and gender of the readers.
2. social grade allows you to see the social sector your in and who reads it the most.

power of social media

Social media has more power then ever before. Ever since the creation of web 2.0 social media has boomed, for example Meany conglomerate companies rely on the web. E.g. Disney created a dedicated app for the fans that keeps them up to date with all there new films and apps.

Also ever since the creation of web 2.0 smart phones become big, most people keep there phones on them at the times and use data to see what's happing on social media. This is powerful as companies have realised that all they need to do is advertise there product on these websites this will help with there readership e.g. vogue advertising on Facebook

End of unit test

Arrow Summer project

Arrow was first created in 2012 and was the first show in the arrow verse, this basically means other shows joined in the same universe like...